I’ve decided it’s time to pick up a hobby. I’ve had my eyes on knitting for a long time now, but I never got around to it because, well, I was a corporate girl with little to no time.
“Why is she talking about knitting when the title is about crochet?” you might ask. Or maybe not. 🙂
I did some research on Reddit, YouTube, and other go-to places to find out the difference between knitting and crochet, and which one is better, easier, and more accessible for me. Based on my analysis (and maybe a bit of self-delusion), I found that crochet is better and easier for me to learn. So, I began my crochet journey.
First things first, I needed tools! Not hammers and nails, but crochet tools, which were pretty easy to find thanks to Amazon. Anything from the comfort of home (times like these, I love technology).
Next, I turned to our go-to learning space—YouTube. You wouldn’t believe the sheer number of videos out there on crocheting. It’s like a whole universe I never knew existed. From basic stitches to advanced techniques, there’s a video for everything.
Finding that one video where they explained things in a way I could understand wasn’t as time-consuming as I thought it would be. I guess that’s one perk of having endless content at our fingertips. But, of course, I had to wade through a few tutorials that were either too fast, too slow, or just too complicated before I found the one that clicked.
Finally, it was time to start crocheting. I decided to start with a simple square, which turned out pretty good on the first try. However, turning the stitch was really confusing, and it only took two breakdowns before I finally got it right.
But hey, that’s part of the process, right? Learning something new isn’t supposed to be easy, but that’s what makes it rewarding. Now that I’ve got the hang of it, I’m excited to see where this crochet journey takes me. Maybe one day I’ll be making cute little animals or cozy blankets. For now, I’m just proud of my slightly wonky square.
But hey, that’s part of the process, right? Learning something new isn’t supposed to be easy, but that’s what makes it rewarding. Now that I’ve (mostly) figured it out, I’m ready to see where this crochet adventure leads. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be whipping up adorable amigurumi animals or crafting blankets so cosy they’ll make hibernation look appealing. For now, I’m just over here celebrating my slightly wonky square like it’s a masterpiece. Baby steps, right?
Bye-bye for now!